StuTS Scholarship
In order to help you in giving a talk at the StuTS, the association Junge Sprachwissenschaft e.V. offers scholarships for the StuTS in Marburg. You will receive 60€. You are only eligible for a scholarship if you are giving a talk. The following criteria will also impact the selection process:
- First-time participation at the StuTS
- The abstract’s quality
- No financial support of your university (Please note that you might be eligible for funding from your AStA/University if you attend the BuFaTa.)
- Distance between your home university and the StuTS location
You have to hand in the abstract of your presentation and write two sentences on your motivation as a part of the application.
Applications can be submitted at The application deadline is November 12 2024. You have to hand in the abstract of your presentation and write two sentences on your motivation as a part of the application. The scholarships will be awarded until November 15 2024.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at: vorstand [at] junge-sprachwissenschaft [dot] de